Balloon Car Fun

The juniors in Mrs. Bowden’s honors chemistry class are learning about and experimenting with the science of motion.  Mrs. Bowden decided to start the 2022 school year in an engaging and fun experiment.  Her students were tasked with making cars powered by balloons.  The project seemed almost intimidating and difficult but once explained more everyone was ready to get to work.  The juniors quickly started building their cars and competing with their classmates. 


Although the assignment appears as a fun and interesting way to start the year out, it is actually a great way to learn about the topic and see real life examples.  The students were given guidelines to follow and had to take certain measurements.  The students had to measure the speed, distance, and accuracy of their cars.  On top of this they were also required to give a report on their car with all of their observations, changes, and measurements.  The car made by Grace Melville and Kate Ganton was the best car in the class as it went nearly 70 feet.  Grace stated the following: “We spent hours on the car and even got some help from my parents but it paid off.”


It really looks like Mrs. Bowden started the school year in a great way.  All the students quickly became invested in this project and worked hard.  There was also a lot of competition from other students in the class.  Everyone worked hard to make a functioning car and to best the other students.  Mrs. Bowden claimed, “No class has ever been this invested in the project, and I hope this energy continues throughout the whole year.” Hopefully this experiment sets a precedent for what the rest of the year will be like, with lots of hard work but fun projects.